Extreme Wrestling- Worth It?

All Out was extremely violent, and honestly, Bryan Danielson’s stuff was tough to watch. I have mixed emotions. When done right, that kind of stuff can tear a roof off like Bryan’s did. However, I wouldn’t want my brother Joshua to watch stuff like that, or kids, for that matter. Let’s face it, wrestling is […]

Friends, Family & ALL-Out Fashion

Kamille was officially banned from my match at ALL OUT. Did that slow me down? Absolutely not! I stepped out in a gorgeous kimono, paying homage to Japan, where I’m the NJPW Strong Women’s Champion. I wanted to remind everyone who holds that title, and what better way to do it than to do it […]

Japan Wrestling a True Sport

The Japanese train in such a different style. They call it “strong style,” and you can see that with Momo- and all the Japanese girls, really. Their kicks and strikes are just impressive! They really treat wrestling like a sport! For them, it’s not just a side job and not just entertainment. So, they train […]

DC Title Defense & Backstage at Capital Collision

I loved my match in DC at Capital Collision, but I am definitely feeling sore. All the travel from Wembley to Champaign to DC definitely took its toll but it was nothing compared to what I endured in the match! Before I get into that, let me say how good it felt to feel and […]

 “Come See Me- Come Find Me” & IG Inspiration

People have been wondering who I was talking about in my post-fight comments when I said, ‘Come see me, Come find me.’ Really, I’m speaking to any girl who thinks that she is a better fighter than me. I don’t know who that might be, but I remain committed to facing the absolute best wrestlers […]

Training For Britt Baker & the Role YouTube Plays

So much talk about hair, makeup, costumes, schedules, and packing, but what about actual training? I do have a main event match on our biggest stage against one of the best in Britt Baker. To that point, I get to the gym as often as I can. No matter what, I always hit my 30-minute […]

Bayley and Natalya Women’s Wrestling’s True Boss & The Gatekeeper

The subject of Bayley coaching the WWE’s women’s roster one day came up in conversation recently. All I can say is that she’s been a natural leader for years and that coaching is something she’s always talked about. I see her opening her own wrestling school someday, if not being an actual WWE executive, when […]